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A 4-Week Journey of Personal Sovereignty

We are energetic beings. In order for us to develop to our fullest potential, we have to cultivate the energy to create the experience we are having of the world we live in. However, many people live in a way that squanders the precious energy they have that would allow them to be active shapers of their lives. Through constant repetitious patterns, they block their ability to grow and make the necessary shifts that would reshape their lives by reshaping themselves.


In this four-week series, you will develop the key understanding of how to eliminate these unconscious patterns through cultivating impeccability. Beyond a system of morality, impeccability is a way of living that is essential to retaining and harvesting your energy so that it can be refocused into transforming outdated unconscious patterns that siphon your ability to actively create your life. 

Free Yourself From

  • Painful Limiting Beliefs

  • Unconscious Behaviors that Drain Your Energy

  • Relationships that Drain Your Energy

  • Mental/Emotional Blockages that Stop Your Growth



The most precious thing you have in your life is your energy. Actually, it is the only thing you have. In fact, it is so precious, that capturing it and telling you where to put it is a multi-billion dollar industry. In fact, from your earliest years there have been social, educational, and religious institutions telling you where your energy should go. They do their job so well, that if you do not become conscious of it, your entire life will be a carbon copy of what someone else decided it should be. Not for the sake of your growth, or your highest purpose, but for the sake of their gain. At your expense. At your soul's expense.


Impeccability is how you reclaim your power by reclaiming your energy from the forces that rob you of it everyday. In the Toltec tradition, it is understood that you can only evolve to the next level of consciousness if you have the energy to do so. No amount of rational thought will get you to where you want to go without the energy to get there. Otherwise, you can have dreams and even  a map to get there, but no fuel for the journey. 


Impeccability is a quality we bring to everything we do. It applies as much to relationships as it does to tying your shoes. When you learn to live with impeccability, you eliminate the energetic entanglements that happen because of unconscious actions that complicate your life. You learn to live with much greater ease, both consciously and unconsciously. Modern people spend an immense amount of energy, both consciously and unconsciously, wrestling with anxieties or keeping fears at bay. Learning to live with impeccability eliminates all of this unnecessary mental and emotional baggage, so that you can use that energy to create a life you love.


As you reclaim this energy you will find yourself growing in many ways. Some of them will be unexpected. You will find yourself remembering critical aspects of yourself that carry immense gifts for you and others. You will find a sense of ease and inspiration in doing things you always wanted to do, but never could seem to. You will develop a sense of vitality and excitement for life that you have never felt before. If you do the work. This program is for those that are determined to grow. If that is you, I can't wait to see you reach new heights as you learn to live with impeccability.


WEEK 1: The Energetic Body


Learn about your body as an energetic vessel. We will talk about how the energetic body works, and how the unconscious attachments, beliefs, and behaviors that have been taught to you function to drain you of vital energy.


January 20, 2020

5:30 PM PST



WEEK 2: Unconscious Energetic Leaks


Learn about the unconscious beliefs and behaviors that have been embedded deep within you through social conditioning. You will get some tools that you can use daily to start clearing these beliefs and behaviors out of your unconscious so you can reclaim your energy.


February 3, 2020

5:30 PM PST



WEEK 3: The Predators of Consciousness


The Toltec tradition has long known that the world of the unconscious is just as alive and densely populated, if not more, than the world we are conscious of. What you don't know does hurt you. You will learn here about energetic forms of consciousness (entities/inorganic beings) that feed off your unconscious outbursts of emotion and what to do about them.


February 17, 2020

5:30 PM PST



WEEK 4: Words Create Worlds


For this final session, you will learn about the power of your words to create the world you live in. To be impeccable with language is to take full responsibility of your life experience. Nothing in the human experience exists outside of language, but what is outside of language is the essence from which all things come into being. Learn to be conscious of how you shape your world.


March 2, 2020

5:30 PM PST




The commitment to speaking truth and the space provided for it, for people to bring in their personal medicine made me fathom the importance of cooperation and acting as an organism better. It allowed me to move past seeing myself as a victim of the past. This process has opened the doors for me to a newly developed perception of myself.


- Lilly Zafer



After taking this class I noticed an expansion in my own consciousness. I feel as though who I am now is a better version of who I was before the class.


-Emery Blem




Spaces are limited for this group. In my experience, this allows us to develop a safe, supportive container for each of you in the group. This group is confidential, meaning that nothing that is shared in this group is to be shared outside of the group. That goes for any personal information shared by any of the participants or by me stays in the container of the group. Maintaining the integrity of the container is a shared responsibility by all of the participants.


As a side note, I have found that doing this type of deep, intensive work requires time to process and to integrate. Often, members of our communities don't have an understanding of the transformative power of these experiences. When we share what we've experienced prematurely they can tend to be dismissive or outright critical of our experience. With this, or any other ritual/ceremony experience, it is important to "let it cook." Give the things you learn in our sessions time to integrate in you before deciding to share with others. Otherwise, the alchemical vessel is broken and the work doesn't complete itself.


To receive a registration packet please fill out the contact form below. 


- Oscar 

Registration Closes 1.17.20


650 USD

Once you have submitted your contact form we will send you an invoice for payment. Payment plans are available. Once we have processed your payment, you will be admitted and we'll send you further details on the Zoom group meetings and times.



*I will offer two partial scholarships for this program. If you are interested in receiving a scholarship, please include that in your Contact email and we'll send you a separate scholarship application. 



Oscar C. Pérez has spent his life studying different spiritual traditions and schools of psychology. For the last sixteen years, he has helped countless people through the darkest times of their lives. Oscar is guided by a deep understanding that we are all unique manifestations of the same essence, what in the Toltec tradition is called Centeotl, Tloque Nahuaque, Ipalnemohuani. His own apprenticeship with grief and gratitude has guided him to share the ceremonial teachings he has received to help others develop a tangible relationship with Life, with the Great Mystery. He has studied in both academic and ceremonial settings. His approach bridges these two perspectives. He received his PhD from Brown University in 2011, where he studied how storytelling and ritual transform the lives of individuals and communities.

For any additional questions contact us at
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Silver City, NM 88062
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